About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Friday, November 2, 2012

Battle of the Sexes...

Derrick and I LOVE to play games.  It doesn't really matter what kind of game it is, we like to play them.  We go through phases and play a game almost every night.  I have seen Battle of the Sexes at the store and thought it sounded fun.  We generally only buy games that can be played with two players.  I love having a lot of friends and family over and hosting a game night or something of that sort, but Derrick is more reserved and generally prefers one on one time with me. (Not that I'm complaining about that because I can't get enough of him! :D)  
Anyhow, one of my friends introduced me to Houseparty.com. It's this cool website that picks people to host a party to promote an item.  I have applied for several but the only one I have been selected for is this one.  I was stoked!  It was a perfect one since we love games and have so many awesome friends.  The hardest part was knowing our house wouldn't hold everyone we wanted to invite, so we limited it to 15 couples and said if it was fun, we would do it again.   We had ten couples come and it was SOOOO fun!  We made meatball subs and had everyone bring a snack or treat of their choice.  We had some really yummy food but the favorite was Sarah's cheese/jalapeno dip.  YUM!
Since my brothers and their families were here for the funeral they came too.  This is Christina and Holly, two of my sisters-in-law.  It was so fun to see them and visit with them all.  Nicholas and Daniel and their families live in WA state, so we enjoy their visits no matter the occasion! 
Some of our party people!  We had so much fun (at least I did) and SOOO many laughs!  It is something we will for sure be doing again in the near future.  I embarrassed myself more than once, and our friends got to see how incredibly competitive my family is, especially me and Nicholas (we are 13 months apart and the oldest two kids in the family, Nicholas being the oldest). I got to see how Erin has transformed my brother into a very metro-sexual man that gets mani's and pedi's and knows things about layettes and doily's.  I learned that Jeff was not as shy as I thought and how seriously funny he is as he sails in his Wellington boots.  I learned that a good portion of the guy questions are about wars and historical facts and the women's questions were SUPER easy.  I learned the way a man would put on a bikini vs. a woman.  I learned how completely insync a couple can be as they act out a lay-up in unison and so much more! 
The men rocked the game and rubbed it in good.  They enjoyed their sweet victory over their wives, but no worries, there will be a rematch and Daniel will not be coming. :D
 And here is the sad losers... the women.
It was such a fun game and I am so glad I was picked to host that party.  We had a great time and will be playing it again soon!


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