Easton's growing up so quick. He is turning into a little boy and is no longer my little baby. He is very much into the independent stage of life. He thinks he can do everything by himself. He loves to recognize when he or anyone else accomplishes something. It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's on a movie or in real life, whether it is good or bad, he claps his little hands together and says "He did it!" or "I did it!".
Easton LOVES Disney Pixar movies, dirt, water (especially mixing the two to make mud), friends and cousins. He loves trains, cars and airplanes and his latest is BIG TRUCKS. Whenever we are out and he sees a pickup he points and says "Big Truck!" with wide, sparkling eyes. I asked him if he wants one and I was right, he does. :D He loves Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the Toy Story gang and has recently started liking Thomas the Train. I would say he is all boy except he does like his toes to "parko" (sparkle) like mine and Madi's and he enjoys Madi's hair accessories.
Easton has a loves his cousin Colson. They are so funny because he gets so excited to play with him and hugs him when he sees him but the two fight like brothers. They are both at the "everything is mine" age so they fight over everything. They are constantly hitting or pushing each other and making one anoter cry. Easton is a tough kid and will fall and knock his head on the pavement, stand up, brush himself off and say with a smile "I okay" but if Colson hits him it is the end of the world. So dramatic!
He is so good at saying thank you and says it in the cutest little voice. He has also learned to say "ha ha" and tease. Wonder who taught him that. :D
He still loves to eat and stuffs his mouth until he is unable to chew. Then he heads to the garbage, spits it in there and says "pit it out" (spit it out). He like to spit when things aren't in his mouth too.
Easton is very scared of monsters right now and when he tells me he's scared his little face just about breaks my heart. He is a sweet boy and likes to snuggle which I am so grateful for. He likes to kiss things better and can be such a good helper when he wants to be. I am so glad that I get to be his mom. I sure love this kid!
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