About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Davis County Fair... 8.14.2013

Erin and I took the kids to the Davis County Fair for the Macaroni Kids Masquerade.  We ended up not putting the kids in the parade, but we did enjoy the booths and the kids loved playing in the kids corner.  They played in the sand box (a favorite for both my kids)! 
Madi "milked" a cow...
And they LOVED the petting zoo!
Easton wanted to ride the animals!
It was a super hot day but so much fun to hang out and enjoy each others company and let the kids play and have fun.  Thanks Erin!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A New Splash Pad... 8.10.2013

I found out about a new splash pad in Layton and we had to check it out.  When Derrick got home we woke Easton up (hence the happy face :D) and were on our way. 
It was more like a mini water park/car wash than a splash pad.  They have some serious sprayers there and a fun slide.  Madi did NOT like the power of the sprayers and had no interest in playing on it, but Easton LOVED it! 
I made Madi go down it a few times.  She was bawling.  I'm sure the other moms thought I was mean.   
Easton played for a long time while Madi sat on the grass whining.  At least one of them liked it! :D 

Summer Lovin'... 8.9.2013

Real Soccer Game... 8.7.2013

Derrick got tickets to a Real soccer game.  We hadn't been to any of their games or anything at that stadium before.  It was a nice place and we would love to go again.  We probably would leave the kids home (they were pretty restless the whole second half and then I wouldn't have to ask the drunks around me to watch their mouths and get lectured about sitting in the family section).  We would use their parking.  (We parked on State for $10 and walked about a mile to the will call window.  Their parking was across the street from will call and also cost $10.)  We would sneak in a water or two.  (They charged $5 for a 20oz. bottle of anything and Easton knocked over/dumped out about $8 worth of beverage.)  Other than those few things it was a great night.  Heidi was in town so we invited her along which made it even more fun.
Madi's only request was cotton candy.  I think Easton ate most of the bag.  He LOVED it and kept asking for more.  By the time I said no more he looked like a Smurf!  
At least he was willing to share! 
Madi enjoyed a little too.
It was a fun night and Real won which made it fun.  I like soccer and it is something I could get into.  I love doing fun things with Derrick and the kids and love the perks that Derrick gets. 

Plane's Pow Wow... 8.5.2013

Farmington Station and Macaroni Kids had a family night the first Monday of every month.  For August it was a Plane's Pow Wow to celebrate the opening of Disney Pixar's Planes.  I thought it would be more themed around that but there really wasn't anything that was associated with that.  We still had a fun time with the kids and Daniel's family.  The kids all got caricatures drawn, played on the playground, and made a few airplanes.   

My EB...

Easton's growing up so quick.  He is turning into a little boy and is no longer my little baby.  He is very much into the independent stage of life.  He thinks he can do everything by himself.  He loves to recognize when he or anyone else accomplishes something.  It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's on a movie or in real life, whether it is good or bad, he claps his little hands together and says "He did it!" or "I did it!". 
Easton LOVES Disney Pixar movies, dirt, water (especially mixing the two to make mud), friends and cousins.  He loves trains, cars and airplanes and his latest is BIG TRUCKS.  Whenever we are out and he sees a pickup he points and says "Big Truck!" with wide, sparkling eyes.  I asked him if he wants one and I was right, he does.  :D  He loves Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the Toy Story gang and has recently started liking Thomas the Train.  I would say he is all boy except he does like his toes to "parko" (sparkle) like mine and Madi's and he enjoys Madi's hair accessories.
Easton has a loves his cousin Colson.  They are so funny because he gets so excited to play with him and hugs him when he sees him but the two fight like brothers.  They are both at the "everything is mine" age so they fight over everything.  They are constantly hitting or pushing each other and making one anoter cry.  Easton is a tough kid and will fall and knock his head on the pavement, stand up, brush himself off and say with a smile "I okay" but if Colson hits him it is the end of the world.  So dramatic!
He is so good at saying thank you and says it in the cutest little voice.  He has also learned to say "ha ha" and tease.  Wonder who taught him that. :D
He still loves to eat and stuffs his mouth until he is unable to chew.  Then he heads to the garbage, spits it in there and says "pit it out" (spit it out).  He like to spit when things aren't in his mouth too.
Easton is very scared of monsters right now and when he tells me he's scared his little face just about breaks my heart.  He is a sweet boy and likes to snuggle which I am so grateful for.  He likes to kiss things better and can be such a good helper when he wants to be.  I am so glad that I get to be his mom.  I sure love this kid!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Princess Madi...

It has been a really long time since I have posted the funny things my kids say and do so I thought I would do that tonight.
A couple months ago the following conversation happened during sacrament meeting...
Madi: What do boys have?
Me: What do you mean?
Madi: You know, girls have vaginas, what do boys have?
Derrick: CARS!
Do you think she'll be confused when she starts dating?
We were watching Legacy as a family a few Sunday's ago and it came to the part where Eliza goes to the field to pray about the two men.  Madi asked what she was doing so I explained that before we marry someone we need to pray about it and ask Heavenly Father if they are the right person for us.  She was quick to reply "I don't need to.  I'm going to marry Guire."
***Tonight as she was closing her prayers she said "help me to pray to know who to marry."  She is so sweet and so obsessed with getting married and weddings and all they entail!
The last six months we have been a single car family.  We have a compact little Ford Focus.  My knees touch the dash and Madi's touch the back of my seat.  Whenever we have to be in the car for more then a few minutes, Madi starts saying "This car is making me fwustewated (frustrated)!" 
When Derrick came home with our second car the other day she yelled "It's here, it's really here!"
Madi's cousins moved to Syracuse in May.  Madi has loved having them around and especially loves Ava.  Every time we see them she gets so sad when we have to leave.  As we walk out the door she says " I just miss my cousins."  Ava has started back to school and I think Madi has gone through Ava withdrawls.  Tonight on our way home from their house she said "Ava is my bestest."  I love that she has cousins around and that she loves them so much.  My cousins were my very best friends through high school and even though we are all crazy busy, I look forward to seeing them and talking with them.  I love ya Amy & Aut!
Madi LOVES to play dress up.  She loves wearing princess dresses, tutus, anything that twirls and anything girlie.  She asked for nightgowns and play gowns for Christmas and of course wants more "t-yayas" (tiaras).  Madi loves Barbie movies and all the Disney Princess movies.  She likes giving talks in Primary. She makes friends with everyone and usually calls them "my friend".  She is a pretty good helper most of the time, especially if money is involved.  We started giving her a penny for each chore to teacher about tithing, savings and spending and she LOVES earning money.  Madi talks really well ad amazes me with some of the things she comes up with.  One thing she needs to work on are her F's.  She says them as a P.  It's kind of punny (hahaha). 
Madi is starting dance on Wednesday.  We have been talking about it all summer.  When I first told her that she was going to start dance she asked what her teachers name was.  I told her it's Miss Julie.  She threw herself at me in tears and said "I just wanted a Madame".  She will show me "new" dances and when I ask where she learned them she smiles and says "My Madame taught me."
Madi has an obsession with public bathrooms.  At home she will go hours and hours (Derrick timed her once and it was 17 hours and then he told her she had to try) but in public she will go 3 or 4 times at one place.  She just likes to go when we are out.  It makes me a bit crazy since I HATE using public restrooms.
Easton has started waking us up in the morning.  One week he woke up Madi a few days in a row.  She came to Derrick and I and said "Can you just lock his door?"
Madi went to her first primary activity in July.  She was super excited!  It was a water party at the park.  She had so much fun!

Madi is my cold girl.  She tells me all the time that she is cold.  Here she is, jumping on the trampoline, in 100 degree weather with lined pants, a t-shirt and a hoodie.  It makes me hot just to look at her!
Madi loves wearing her tiara.  Since it is a nicer one we only let her wear it for special occasions.  One Sunday after church (8.11.2013) she asked if I could take pictures of her wearing it.  Doesn't she look like the most beautiful princess you have ever seen!?! 
Later that day she came out wearing some of the makeup she got for her birthday.  This girl is growing up to fast! 
Madi is my precious little princess!  I love that she is so confident and outgoing.  I love that she is cuddly and loves to snuggle.  I love that she gives me big hugs and thank you's when I wash her favorite jammies, get her something new or play Barbie's for an hour or two.  She brings so much joy to my life.  I love her forever!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sleeping under the stars... 8.2.2013

Last summer we started the tradition of a back yard sleep over each summer.  We bring the TV outside and watch a movie while we eat popcorn and M&M's.  We sleep out under the stars and enjoy the beauty Heavenly Father has created for us.
The next morning... Both kids slept great and even slept in! 
Poor Easton got five or six mosquito bites on his chin and he gets them soooo bad! There are still traces of them a month later!  (mostly because he picked at them)

Splish Splash... 8.2.2013

Annie and Cordon came up to hang out and have a little summer fun at the splash pad.  We love spending time with them and were so glad to see them!  I like this picture of Madi.  She loves the mushroom fountain and usually heads straight for it.
Cordon LOVED the splash pad!  He had so much fun and was soaked by the time he was done!  (Annie was pretty wet to. :D) 
Easton kept trying to escape and run to the park.  Silly boy... 
Madi was so funny to watch when she would get a drink.  Every time she would stand on he tip toes and bend forward to get a drink.  As she did, her left leg would always raise up.  Such a little dancer! 
Annie brought an umbrella to shade Cordon a little.  Madi thought she would use it to shield herself from the water.  Isn't the point of a splash pad to get wet? :D 
I LOVE these two!  So grateful for the two of them in our family.   
Me and my girl... 
Easton struggles to keep his pants up and especially when he is wet.  At least he pulls them up on his own. 
Pulling them up again... 
Two of my favorite people!!! 
Thanks for a fabulous day in the sun Annie and Cordon!  Love you guys!