About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Christmas...

Christmas morning we planned to open gifts at seven.  As soon as we opened the door to our room, Easton was out of there and down the stairs faster than we could grab him.  So, we have no pictures of his face when he saw everything.  Madi wasn't as fast.  She was content to lay in bed and watch cartoons.  Derrick helped her down.
Excited at what Santa brought!  (I didn't take a picture of everything before we got into it.  I thought I had, but I guess not.)
Santa brought lots of fun stuff and left it in their stockings.  He also got them both a ball.  Grandma and Grandpa got them some treats too! 
Easton's favorite part of his stocking was "keen" (McQueen) and "may" (Mater).  He LOVES them! 
Showing off Red... 
We got Heidi a U of U fleece blanket.  The bag I put it in looked a little more wedding than Christmas.  :D  
Opening the goods... 
Easton's big gift was the Little People Wheelies Race Track.  He was totally excited as soon as he started opening it!  He wanted it out of the box!!! 
Madi really wanted Cinderella dress up, so we got her a chest of Princess dress up stuff.  She was pretty excited. 
Waiting for daddy to put together his new toy... 
Look at the car aunt Heidi got him... 
The track is a hit!  They both love playing with it and we have had lots of fun with it since Christmas. 
Here is Madi's pile of gifts.  Some highlights:  Grandma Shar made her a doll.  Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins gave her a Disney Princess art kit and some dry erase books to help her practice her alphabet and numbers.  Aunt Heidi gave her a princess Color Wonder kit, Belle, Aurora and lip gloss.  Santa brought the Lorax, a Cinderella watch, candy, and lots of "lip sticks".  She got 25 different lip things.  Mom and Dad gave her My Little Pony's, dress up stuff, books, Barbie movies, the mermaid Barbie clothes and some other little things. 
Derrick and I got spoiled too.  Derrick got screwdrivers and a waffle iron.  I got some books, Cd's, jewelry, a game and spatulas.  Heidi gave us a gift card to Applebee's.  Mom and dad gave us a stocking and two lanterns to add to our camping stuff.  Ty & Jodi gave us a new game. 
Easton's didn't all fit in one picture.  Grandma Shar gave him an outfit.  Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins gave him a zoo book that makes noises and a wooden stacking train.  Aunt Heidi gave him two Cars, a Finn McMissile flashlight car and a Cars book.  Santa brought him McQueen, Mater and Red, a bunch of Hot Wheels, treats and a football.  Mom and Dad gave him lots of clothes, books, a movie and some other little things. 
Aunt Heidi also got a Play-Doh Candy Shoppe for the family.  It is a hit!  We have played with it a lot!  Thanks Aunt Heidi! 


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