Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese, pancakes and applesFavorite Treat: M&M's
Favorite Color: Pink (Purple is 2nd)
Favorite Song: I Love to See the Temple
Favorite Animal: Zebra
Favorite Character: Cinderella
Favorite things to do: Dance and pretend she's a ballerina, do flips over the closet rod, play games and do puzzles
Madi had her first play date without me last week. She went to Ella's house and had so much fun! If I ask for her help I can expect on of two responses: "No way" or "Of course". She has a brilliant memory and brings up things from a year ago or longer when you are talking to her. She wants to know everything and asks "Why" 5,932,851,647 times a day. She loves to play with Easton most of the time. She can be such a good little helper but has also been testing her limits lately. She likes to stay up and as soon as Derrick gets home from work she tells him she wants to stay up. She is excited for primary. Nursery has been a struggle and she hasn't wanted to go for the last few months because of a bully. She even fakes being sick or tells me she's tired to try to get out of going. She loves to pretend and is really starting to use her imagination. I love to her in her room playing. I wish I could record her without her knowing. It is such a fun age!
Favorite Food: ANYTHINGFavorite Treat: ANYTHING
Favorite Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Character: Mater & Lightening McQueen
Favorite things to do: Read stories, play with cars, make messes and play with Madi
Easton is heading full force into the toddler stage. He is starting talk more and more every day. He is ALL boy. He carries a car around with him all day long. (I like this because someday I will tell him about his biological Grandpa and how he always carries a Hot Wheels car in his pocket) He is IN LOVE with Cars, Mater and McQueen. He is a non stop munch mouth and eats anything he can find. He loves balls and animals and knows most of his animal sounds and of course what a car and train say. He adores Madi and likes to rough house. He is quick to give loves and kisses if he gets too rough but seems to have to do that often. He head butts everything! He is such a sweet heart and has a smile that melts my heart!
It is such a joy and great blessing to be their mom. I love that I am able to be home with them and spend these cherished moments with them. Some days they push me to the edge of my sanity but the hugs, kisses and I love you's make every minute of that worth it. They are my miracles and I am so grateful for both of them!
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