About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

He Keeps Me Laughing..

Easton keeps me on my toes. Here are a few stories from the recent weeks.
 For Christmas Easton got a small Nerf gun.  I swore I would never get him one but since he can turn ANYTHING into a gun or a sword, I decided what the heck.  It was given to him with A LOT of warning that you NEVER point it at people or pretend to shoot someone.  He has lost it several times for doing so.  He has probably only had possession of it for a few hours since he got it.  A couple weeks ago he earned it back, with the warning that it is never to be pointed at anyone and that we never shoot people.  I gave it to him and went down to start laundry.  Within a minute I hear Easton crying and him coming to find me.  I asked him what was wrong.  
"I shot myself in the eye." 
"On purpose?" 
Where does he come up with this stuff?!?  Needless to say, he has lost his Nerf gun for good.
Madi has always referred to the color yellow as blonde.  I think it is cute and let her refer to it as that, even though she knows it is actually yellow.  Easton has come up with a nick name for a color too.  When we color he will ask for "poop color".  "Do you mean brown?" I ask.  "No, poop color."
Speaking of poop, a few weeks ago I was at my brother's house when I hear the kids yelling outside "Easton ate Simon's poop!"  Simon is their dog.  I brought him inside and asked him if one of the kids dared him to. "No."  "Why would you eat poop?"  His response... "I didn't swallow it."  NO kisses for a week!!!
He will stick just about anything in his mouth.  Last week at Madi's school I saw him eating an Oreo.  The following is how our conversation went.
"Where did you get that?"
"The floor." (In the gym, that never gets mopped, and rarely gets swept.)
"Don't you dare eat that!"  He shoves it in his mouth.
With my hand by his mouth, "Spit it out."
Easton spits it in my hand and then says "I brushed it off."
Easton has become great friends with Finley, the son of one of the ES's.  They play and have a great time together.  Last week when Fin left Easton asked him for a hug.  Finley declined.  He came over to me heart broken that Finley didn't want a hug.  I love his tender heart!
A couple Saturdays ago Derrick took the kids with him to Jiffy Lube.  While they were there Easton had to go to the bathroom.  It was crowded that morning and the bathroom was in use.  Easton told Derrick he would just go outside and headed for the door.  Derrick caught him and told him no to which he replied "Mom lets me." (Disclosure:  I did let him once when we were having toilet issues, one was out of order and Derrick was working on the other and Easton was doing the potty dance, but I explained it was a one time thing.  Apparently he didn't hear that last part.)
One week during sacrament meeting he said he needed to go potty.  We told him he needed to wait (they go right before and then tell us all through the meeting they need to go again.)  This time he stepped out into the aisle, grabbed himself and danced around while saying a little too loudly, "I need to go potty" over and over.  The missionaries that were on the stand thought it was quite amusing.
On Saturday we went on the Heber Creeper for a field trip.  While we were riding the train was "robbed" by a couple outlaws.  They came through the train, guns out, shouting to put our hands up and give them the money chest.  After they walked by Easton whispered "Are they bad guys?"  "Yes" I replied.  He started to jump off his seat and said "I'm gonna get them!"  Guns don't scare this kid!
I need to be better about writing these things down so I don't forget them.  He is 150% boy!  He is dirty, and sweaty, and stinky, and rambunctious, and the sweetest little guy I could ever dream of!  I love ya kid!!!


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