With the money from Grandma and Grandpa, Easton got some sun glasses, a swim suit, a pool, a hopper ball and some bibs. We decided to fill the pool and let it warm in the sun a little while we went to lunch. The kids were so excited! Madi said "I thought we were getting a big pool." Guess this wasn't as big as she had hoped. :D
Easton loves sunglasses and frequently carries around a pair of Madi's. We decided it was about time he got his own pair.
My handsome little man...
We went to lunch at the Little America Cafe with mom and dad to celebrate Mother's Day since we had our day of service on the Saturday before Mother's Day. While we waited I took Easton outside for a few pictures. He is such a cute kid. I love him!
After we finished eating Madi decided she wanted her picture as well. I hoped to get a good one of the two of them.
I love this one of the kisses!
After lunch we went to mom and dad's for awhile and then to Old Navy to get the kids some flip flops. They each came out with three pair of shoes.
Derrick and I were on a date and saw this swim suit and knew Madi would love it! Since my kids pretty much live in the swim suits during the summer we bought it. We left it in the bag on the table and before I could even get out of bed the next morning I heard Madi rummaging through the bags. I started upstairs and she met me half way wanting to know who it was for. I told her it was for Easton and she looked crushed and said "I wanted it for me." Cute girl!
Here is Easton in his new suit he got with his birthday money.
The water was still pretty cold...
Madi only stayed in the pool for a minute then was off to her favorite spot, the trampoline.