After getting flu shots on Tuesday we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa. On the way, we drove around the Bountiful Temple. This is something Madi loves to do and I love talking to her about the temple. On this day she told me she wasn't getting married in the Bountiful Temple. She wanted to get married in the Salt Lake Temple cause that is where mommy and daddy were married. Such a sweet girl. Then she told me she wanted to marry Guire. (That's how she ends almost ANYTHING that can be related to getting married.)
Today as we drove home from the Cheesecake Factory (Thank you mom and dad for a GREAT birthday lunch!) she was playing a puzzle game on my phone. It had the outline of an object with colored puzzle pieces. When the puzzles is complete, the object changes to the picture of what it is. At that point Madi would tell us what it was and move on to the next one. One of the puzzles was a ring. As soon as it appeared, she told us it was a ring then quickly added "Guire's gonna give me a BIG ring." and continued with her game.
This is something Madi has been pretty sure about it since she was old enough to talk. The girl cracks me up! It would be hilarious if they really do get married, and let's be honest, I would kinda love it! Poor Guire though. He doesn't even get a say in the matter.
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