About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Oh So Cute...

My cute little Easton says the funniest things.  We were at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch the other day and he was squishing his peas between his finger when he said "My pea is poopin'!"
Also this last week he was going to the bathroom when he yelled to me "Mom, come see this!  I found a treasure!"  I told him to finish going and then come show me.  He yelled in response "It's brown and gold!"  Rachel and I were laughing so hard!!!  He yelled "Why are you laughing?"  I was thankful that the treasure he found was only a bead. :D
He pronounces some of his words in the cutest ways.
Chick-a-flay = Chick-fil-a
Yogrut = Yogurt
Madi says Plan-o =Piano
I love these two kids!  They make me smile!  Being their mom is one of the greatest blessings in my life!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Grandpa's Rock Collection... 5.11.2015

My kids love rocks.  They pick them up everywhere they go and ask if they can keep them for their "rock collection".  They don't have to be special, pretty or unique, any old rock will do.  We were at my Grandma and Grandpa's a few weeks ago and I wanted to show them what a REAL rock collection looked like.  My Grandpa is a pro!  He even has a tumbler to polish them up.  I told the kids to go ask if they could see it and they were off to ask Grandpa (with me following close behind so Grandpa could understand them :D). 
On a side note... My Grandpa's shop (in the picture) was their first house.  My Grandpa built it after they were married.  This is where my mom spent her childhood.  It has a tiny kitchen with a cinder block pony wall that separates the living space from the kitchen.  My mom would stick her peas down in the holes of the cinder block.  There is a tiny bathroom (you almost can't turn around in it), a mud room and two bedrooms.  My grandparents slept in one and my mom and her five siblings slept in the other. 
This is the wallpaper from the kids room, poodles.
Grandpa did not disappoint!  He showed the kids rocks of all shapes and sizes.  He also had petrified wood and the kids favorite... petrified dinosaur poop! (Grandpa said "dung" but they had NO IDEA what that was.:D)
I love this picture!  My Grandpa has a beautiful smile!  It is one of my favorite things about him!
I am so glad that my kids get to know my Grandma and Grandpa Gurney.  They are two of the most amazing people I know!  They have set incredible examples for their family and I am grateful to be part of it!

The Monsoons...

It has been a really long time since I blogged, in fact, too long.  As busy as I've been with other things, I've missed it.  I miss grabbing my camera and capturing all the little things my kids do every day, the precious moments that make me long to have the power to freeze time and keep them little forever.  
Madi and Easton are so full of questions, wonder, excitement and imagination.  I need to be more diligent so I can remember these days forever!  So, today I grabbed my camera. :D
We had a SUPER mild winter but our spring has had some INSANE rain storms!  Being an Oregon girl, I love the rain.  It doesn't bother me.  I love the smell of it, the sound of it and the beauty it leaves behind.  Our afternoon thunderstorms make me smile and we have had a lot this year (almost daily for the last couple weeks).  Today was no different.  
We got to school and since it was already warming up and there was not a cloud in any direction, I left my windows down.  By the time school was over the rain was coming down so hard that we were soaked through every layer before we got to the car... and then had to sit on wet seats. 
They both kept telling me how cold they were but quickly forgot when we pulled in the driveway and noticed that "Our Hill" had become "Our Swimming Pool". They both headed straight for it!  I stopped them before the violin was dragged in and made them bring the stuff inside while I grabbed my camera. Then it was time to test the water...   
I never felt it but it had to have been cold because there was big balls of hail in the grass!

 Madi was brave and it didn't take long until she was all wet!
Easton took a little longer to warm up to the idea.

My little man found a lady bug.  He said he's always wanted a pet lady bug...
...but then he lost it in the grass.
Madi had a blast splishing and splashing around!
Easton finally went in, actually he JUMPED in, and I missed it. :/
What's with the crazy smile?  He looks like he is ready to bite me!
When they had had enough we went inside for a nice warm bath.  Oh how they have missed the bathtub!  Look at them enjoying a good soak!  I gotta be honest, I am looking forward to having the bathroom done too!
After their outsides warmed up it was time for jammies and to warm our insides with hot chocolate!  Snuggles and a good movie are the plan for the rest of the night since Derrick is working late again.  I sure love these two!  They make me want to be a better person.  Derrick, Madi and Easton are my whole world and bring me more joy than I ever knew possible!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

He Keeps Me Laughing..

Easton keeps me on my toes. Here are a few stories from the recent weeks.
 For Christmas Easton got a small Nerf gun.  I swore I would never get him one but since he can turn ANYTHING into a gun or a sword, I decided what the heck.  It was given to him with A LOT of warning that you NEVER point it at people or pretend to shoot someone.  He has lost it several times for doing so.  He has probably only had possession of it for a few hours since he got it.  A couple weeks ago he earned it back, with the warning that it is never to be pointed at anyone and that we never shoot people.  I gave it to him and went down to start laundry.  Within a minute I hear Easton crying and him coming to find me.  I asked him what was wrong.  
"I shot myself in the eye." 
"On purpose?" 
Where does he come up with this stuff?!?  Needless to say, he has lost his Nerf gun for good.
Madi has always referred to the color yellow as blonde.  I think it is cute and let her refer to it as that, even though she knows it is actually yellow.  Easton has come up with a nick name for a color too.  When we color he will ask for "poop color".  "Do you mean brown?" I ask.  "No, poop color."
Speaking of poop, a few weeks ago I was at my brother's house when I hear the kids yelling outside "Easton ate Simon's poop!"  Simon is their dog.  I brought him inside and asked him if one of the kids dared him to. "No."  "Why would you eat poop?"  His response... "I didn't swallow it."  NO kisses for a week!!!
He will stick just about anything in his mouth.  Last week at Madi's school I saw him eating an Oreo.  The following is how our conversation went.
"Where did you get that?"
"The floor." (In the gym, that never gets mopped, and rarely gets swept.)
"Don't you dare eat that!"  He shoves it in his mouth.
With my hand by his mouth, "Spit it out."
Easton spits it in my hand and then says "I brushed it off."
Easton has become great friends with Finley, the son of one of the ES's.  They play and have a great time together.  Last week when Fin left Easton asked him for a hug.  Finley declined.  He came over to me heart broken that Finley didn't want a hug.  I love his tender heart!
A couple Saturdays ago Derrick took the kids with him to Jiffy Lube.  While they were there Easton had to go to the bathroom.  It was crowded that morning and the bathroom was in use.  Easton told Derrick he would just go outside and headed for the door.  Derrick caught him and told him no to which he replied "Mom lets me." (Disclosure:  I did let him once when we were having toilet issues, one was out of order and Derrick was working on the other and Easton was doing the potty dance, but I explained it was a one time thing.  Apparently he didn't hear that last part.)
One week during sacrament meeting he said he needed to go potty.  We told him he needed to wait (they go right before and then tell us all through the meeting they need to go again.)  This time he stepped out into the aisle, grabbed himself and danced around while saying a little too loudly, "I need to go potty" over and over.  The missionaries that were on the stand thought it was quite amusing.
On Saturday we went on the Heber Creeper for a field trip.  While we were riding the train was "robbed" by a couple outlaws.  They came through the train, guns out, shouting to put our hands up and give them the money chest.  After they walked by Easton whispered "Are they bad guys?"  "Yes" I replied.  He started to jump off his seat and said "I'm gonna get them!"  Guns don't scare this kid!
I need to be better about writing these things down so I don't forget them.  He is 150% boy!  He is dirty, and sweaty, and stinky, and rambunctious, and the sweetest little guy I could ever dream of!  I love ya kid!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Northern Lights Win...

Yesterday we were in the car and Madi said "I wish I could see the Northern Lights.  They are so beautiful."
That got us talking about where they are and how long it would take to get there and the different options of travel.  Then I asked her if she would rather see the Northern Lights or go to Disneyland.  She didn't even have to think about it, "The Northern Lights!"  
Easton quickly chimed in that he would rather go to Chuck-E-Cheese.  I guess Disneyland 2016 is a bust! ;D  I love that Madi is so eager to learn and experience the things she is learning about!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Tonight I am grateful for my little family.  I am grateful for all that Derrick does to provide for us.  When he comes home from work,  exhausted,  he helps with dinner,  laundry,  cleaning and the kids, never complaining. No matter how tight money is,  he is and always has been supportive of me staying at home,  caring for our kids.  He supports me in all my decisions, even the crazy ones.  He makes me smile and gets more and more handsome every day.  He is my best friend!  
I am grateful for Madi. I love her eagerness to learn about anything and everything. I am grateful for what a good helper she is.  She is such a sweet sister and friend to Easton.  I love to listen to them play together.  I love watching her with babies.  She is a natural and asks me regularly for a little sister and tells me frequently that she wishes my body worked right and could grow babies.  I have no doubt that someday she will be the most incredible mom!
I am grateful for my sweet little Easton.  He is so compassionate,  especially to me.  He is my rough and tough little man that loves to wrestle and make messes and loves to give me hugs and kisses.  He adores his big sister and thinks the world of her.  All her ideas are the best and if she wants it/doesn't want it,  so does he. I love his infectious laugh and that he keeps us on our toes.
I am very blessed to be sealed to them in God's temple for all eternity.  It brings great peace and joy to my heart to know this.  I can't imagine being without them.  They are my world and mean everything to me.  I love them with all my heart!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I Need To Throw Up...

Madi has been sick.  She has had a really loose cough along with a fever and physically drained.  She's had it for about four days.  Today Easton woke up with the cough.  It's a really junky one so he would cough gunk up and then tell me he needs to throw up and then run to the toilet to spit it out.   I can handle that kind of throw up.  ;D  I love that kid!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I Love Him...

Last night we did Polar Express with my mom and some of my siblings and their families.  The kids open their Christmas PJ's, get a ticket and we go look at Christmas lights.  We bring along blankets and treats.  Erin found an amazing house that put their lights to music so we went there and watched for half an hour.  It was awesome! 
I got the kids blanket sleepers.  Easton opened his and said "These are baby ones" and then threw them to the floor and kicked them at me.  Where does he get this stuff?
When we started off they were so excited!  Madi said "This is my first pretend train ride!" We had a lot of fun and will be looking forward to it next year.  Thanks Erin!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Proud Mama Moment...

Proud mama moment.... Madi read her first book tonight with very little help!  She also participated in her first violin concert at her school Christmas party.  My girl is growing up too fast!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Did you know. ..

Did you know that a pair of toddler socks can plug up your toilet pretty good? We do!  Thanks Easton.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

It Won't Go Away...

I have had a nagging feeling for months about coming back to this blog and documenting some of the things my kids do, the things they say, and how they make my life so complete.  That is my goal, to get back to it.  As much as I love pictures, I want to be more consistent about saving all the little things that make them who they are so I can go back and relish in those moments.  Bear with me as I am sure some of these will be short, random tidbits and some will be long, rambling stories.  If there is something that touches your heart or a little something about my sweet Madi or Easton, please share it in the comments.  I want to preserve their youthfulness for them to share with their kids and grandkids and great grandkids someday.

My Star Gazer...

My sweet little girl is growing up so fast!  She LOVES to learn about an array of things.  She questions everything and has more "What if..."s than anyone I've ever met.  One of her dreams is to see a shooting star.  She has been wanting to do this and has talked about it for at least a year, probably longer.  We've tried a few times but it's just never come to pass. 
When I heard about the Geminids Meteor Shower that was last night and tonight, I talked to her about it.  That was about a week and a half ago.  We talked about what meteors are, we had a recent field trip to the planetarium, she learned about them in her Nature Studies class at school, she was prepared.  She was ready.  When I looked out the window tonight and saw the thick clouds across the sky I told her that we weren't going to be able to see a shooting star tonight.  She tried to force a smile.  She tried nod her head and say it was ok, that she understood, but the tears spilled out anyway. Seeing the disappointment in my precious child, so eager to learn, so eager to see the awesome creations that our Father in Heaven has so graciously given to us, broke my heart.  I scooped her up and held her as we cried together.  We had family scriptures and prayers and I said a quick prayer in my heart, asking for a tiny miracle, a parting cloud and just one shooting star for my girl to see. 
As Derrick read to Easton and tucked him in,  I told Madi to get some shoes on while I rounded up a few blankets.  We headed for the trampoline and snuggled up together in the blankets to stay warm.  As we lay there shivering, looking at the mass of clouds, talking about what meteors are made of, I had a thought.  I could show her what a shooting star looks like.  I could show her a meteor shower, not in the majestic way she's been dreaming of, but a meteor shower nonetheless. I pulled out my phone and opened YouTube.  I typed in my search and instantly had several options to choose from.  I  let her watch one, then another, and another.  I saw the awe in her eyes and the excitement as she asked questions and watched them on my tiny screen.  After a few clips, we went inside for some hot chocolate and watched a few more on our TV.  I told her that I would set my alarm and wake up during the night to see if the clouds had broke up so we could catch a peek.  We talked some more about the amazing creations and beauties in the heavens and then read stories and I put her to bed with a sweet smile on her face that stretched from ear to ear. 
I am so very grateful for the privilege it is to be her mom.  She amazes me every day at the things that she notices, the way she absorbs information and her yearning to know more about everything.  I am so thankful for the many, many, many resources and technologies that are available that allow me to help her and answer some of those questions and fulfill some of those dreams, at least on a small level.
On a side note*** Chris and Annie... We should plan a camping trip to Arches next summer in August during the Perseids Meteor Shower.  It's supposed to be one of the big ones! :D 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Christmas... 12.25.2013

What a fabulous Christmas we had!  It started early with piles and piles of presents, hours of opening and lots of laughing.
Cordon got this this fun circus tent.  He LOVED it!
Santa left a special note for Madi and Easton.  His silly elves forgot to tell him where we were and he brought their presents to our house.
Chris and Annie even woke Cordon up early so that they could be apart of the fun!  He looks so tired!  No worries, he perked right up when the presents started getting opened.
Mr. Brenton all ready to go.  (He got hot and had to change his shirt.)
Next was Madi...
...and Caitlin...
...and then Whitney and Easton.  He couldn't even wait two minutes before digging into his stocking!
This kids waited so patiently while we read the Christmas story from Luke and  had prayers before we began opening presents.
Even Cordon was entertained.
He started the present opening with this fun book.  I think Annie looks more excited than he does. :D
Next was a car mat floor rug. 
 Easton was next in line...
We continued on up through the kids.  After all the kids had opened their first present we just took turns and passed them out.
Cordon couldn't wait to take his turn!  He was ready to go!
Madi LOVED her dress up box!  She got tons of different outfits and accessories to play dress up with.  She tried on almost every one!
The only thing Madi wanted was an ipad for Christmas.  Thank goodness that to a four year old, this is considered an ipad. :D She was thrilled with it.  Easton thought it was ok too but was quickly ready to move on.

A remote control car!!!
Rick and Tiff were there too but sat next to me so I didn't get any pictures of them. :(
When the unwrapping was done and things were getting cleaned up Cordon wasn't too sure about having his new toys put in a box.  He was ready to play!
We had a yummy breakfast and then went to leave.  We were greeted with a flat tire. Good thing there was lots of brothers to get it changed quick so we could go to Grandma and Grandpa's and spend some time with them and Heidi.  The kids opened their gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.  Madi got a Disney Princess suitcase with a Rapunzel doll and dress up.
Easton got a Wreck It Ralph doll.
We had a yummy Christmas dinner and then came home to see what Santa had left.  He brought Easton a horse and Madi an art easel.  They were two very spoiled and very loved kids!  It was a great day and I don't think they could have any complaints!