About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The devil made me do it...

Monday and Tuesday my kids were so naughty, especially Madi!  It seemed like there was no punishment that would punish her.  She slammed her door.  I tell her if she does it again we will take her door off.  She insists we take it off.  She doesn't want to clean up her toys.  I tell her I will lock up her kitchen if she can't take care of her kitchen stuff.  She says "Lock it up."  She gets sent to her room and starts throwing her toys.  I tell her if she can't take care of her things then she will loose her room and have to sleep in the laundry room.  She grabs a blanket and heads down.  AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!  What am I going to do with her??? 
Then, last night, she had been sent to her room for the remainder of the evening.  I was starting laundry and Derrick was in the shower.  He came down and asked where she was supposed to be.  In her room of course.  He said she was on the trampoline.  I called for her to get inside.  Went out and turned the trampoline upside down and told her that she had lost the privilege of having it until she was good for a whole day.  She cried herself to sleep. She was a completely different child today.  She was a good helper, nice to Easton, played well, minded.  Finally!!!  Something that works! 
I do have to say in my kids defense that I have noticed the week or two before I teach Relief Society they are so much more naughty than normal.  I'm pretty sure the Satan knows how much that makes me crazy, how hard I am trying to teach them love and respect for others and how hard I am trying to create a home that has the Spirit in it.  It took me three months to put all that together.  Hopefully since I am more aware of his tactics I will be able to handle it better next month. :D

Easter Sunday...

Madi was so excited to wear her Easter dress.  We bought it about two weeks before and she asked me every day if it was time to wear it yet.  She LOVES that it twirls.  She looks so stinkin' cute in it! 
I can't believe how grown up she is getting.   
And my little man is so handsome in his Sunday clothes.  He got a new tie, shirt and belt.  I love that grin of his! 
Happy Easter to all!  I am grateful to my loving Savior that has blessed me with so much!  I am grateful to know that I can be with my family forever!  I can't imagine my life without them.   

Happy Easter...

I saw the cutest idea on Pintrest that we will making a tradition in our family.  Friday night the kids planted jelly beans.  We celebrate the Easter Bunny part on Saturday so we can focus on the Savior on Sunday.  They went to bed Friday night....
...and before Madi went looking for her basket, she ran to the door to see if anything grew.  Sure enough, a lollipop grew from those two little jelly beans.   Madi talked about it all day!
After they found their suckers we sent them searching for their baskets.  The Easter Bunny was very good to them this year.  Two lucky kids!!! 
Here is Easton's basket... Wreck It Ralph, Cars dive toys, Cars vitamins (and they both thought those were AWESOME) Cars fruit snacks and four candies.  Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins got him Chuggington Safari Adventure. 
Madi got lots too!  She got a Pinkalicious sticker book, Princess Sofia movie, a jump rope, Princess vitamins and fruit snacks and four candies.  Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins gave her the new Barbie Pink Shoes movie.  She was thrilled! 
They also got some new sidewalk chalk and bunny marshmallows to share.
After quick showers we hurried to the West Point City Easter Egg Hunt.  It was still a little cold so Madi was freezing!  The kids enjoyed it.  Then it was to meet up with mom and dad for Texas Road House and an Easter egg hunt at their house. 
Waiting to run in Grandma's room to find the eggs...
And they're off!!! 
Easton picked up about five eggs and then started opening them to eat the candy.  That meant that Madi got the bulk of the eggs.  At least she shared. :D 
Mom and dad were so awesome to watch the kids for us so we could take a much needed trip to the temple.  After that we had cheesecake and then headed home.  The kids wanted to play with their chalk so we let them draw for a while before we were off to bed! 


On March 28th I watched my nephew for a few hours while Annie did a visit for work.  Madi was soooo excited.  She kept asking when they were coming and as soon as they got here she grabbed her soft zebra blanket for Cord to lay on.  Then she ran and grabbed him a car to play with. 
Easton was excited until Annie left.  Then he grabbed the car and kept yelling "MINE" at him.  Just a little bit of the green monster in him... :D 
Look at those long eyelashes!!!  Everything about this kid is LONG! 
Madi adored him!  She was such a good little helper.  She asked to hold him and thought it was so fun that he wanted to play with her hair.  She would giggle and then he would.  It was adorable!  She told me she wanted a baby sister.  I thought that was sweet.  I would love for her to have a baby sister someday.  I love my sisters and think every girl should have one!