About Me


In July 2009 our lives were blessed with the most
wonderful gift ever! We adopted our sweet little Madison. She is full of energy
and keeps us on our toes. She has a smile that will melt your heart and knows
just how to work her mommy and daddy. Madi brings so much joy and happiness into
our lives and we cherish every moments we have with her!


On April 20, 2011 our sweet little Easton joined our family. We are so grateful
for the blessings of adoption and the amazing woman that has helped to bring our
family here. We are so excited to have a little guy around the house and look
forward to watching him grow.
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Friday, October 5, 2012


These first two are from my birthday.  My cute kiddos eatin' cheesecake with me.  I love that little face.  He is getting so big.  He learns new things every day and is so proud of himself for each thing he learns.  He knows a lot of his animal sounds which is always fun.  I need to get him on video.  His pig and elephant crack me up and his kitty is about the cutest sound I have ever heard!  He has a mouthful of teeth.  He loves Cars (the movie).  Mater is his favorite.  The other day I put a shirt on him he saw his cars shirt from his drawer and tried to take off the shirt I had just put on him.  I asked if he wanted that one and he was thrilled to get what he wanted.  He loves to eat.  He still loves his big sister and looks for her first thing in the morning.  He is a pretty happy boy most of the time and loves to snuggle and read and watch movies.  He is starting to say a few words here and there.  He is also starting to be aggressive and get his revenge for all the times she picked on him.  Time out is becoming a regular thing for him, although he is quick to say sorry.
My pretty princess is growing up so fast.  She is a good helper when she wants to be.  She is starting to play nicer with Easton and loves to make him laugh.  No one can make him laugh like she can.  She is finally doing good at the potty training thing.  She hasn't had an accident since Monday (knock on wood) although there is a bribe that is helping.  She really wants The Lorax movie so we told her if she had no accidents for a week, she could get it.  She loves skirts and dresses.  Her favorite is her Hawaii dress from Grandma.  She likes to talk on the phone.  She says the funniest things sometimes and is starting to notice the differences between her body and mine/Easton's/Derrick's.  Every morning when she gets up she tells me she dreamed of fireworks, pink ones.  She has done this for about a year and a half.  It makes me laugh.  She loves to read and play.  Her trampoline is one of her faves and she jumps almost every day.  Although she still loves Tinkerbell, the Disney Princesses are right up there, especially Cinderella and Rapunzel.  She likes technology and can work our phones almost better than we can. :D   She has gone into the monster faze and talks about them daily.  No worries though cause we just tickle them away. 
These two pictures are from today.  Easton grabbed this box out of the recycle bin and sat right down in it.  I had to get a picture of my cute boy.  Love him!!! 

A day at the park...

This week has been gorgeous so on Tuesday, Chantel and I took the kids to Cafe Rio and then went to the park to enjoy the sunshine!  Look how sweet Nash is to put Easton's shoe on him. 
Easton was so funny on this bridge.  He crossed it like a gorilla.  It was cracking me up! 
Chantel stayed at the top, helping the kids down, and I was at the bottom, helping them up.  Easton is loving the slides! 
This one was hot though and he did NOT like that! 
They discovered the covered slide and that is what they did the rest of the time.  They went down, one after the other for at least twenty minutes straight! 
Cute Guire...
And that smile I love! 

Gymnastics 2012...

My sweet husband knows how much I love gymnastics and got me four tickets in the company suite.  I brought three of my friends and we made it a girls night.  I wish I could have brought so many more people but it was fun to go and hang out with three amazing women.  After, we went to Chili's for dessert and chatted until we realized no one else was around.  Yep, they had closed at eleven and it was just past midnight.  Another one am night with the girls and I LOVED it!  Thanks ladies!
Amazing strength!!! 
Three of the five 2012 Olympic Gymnasts.  L to R: Ally Raismen, Jordan Weiber, Gabby Douglas
I was a little disappointed at how trashy the end leotards were, but all in all, it was a fabulous show! 

Can't get enough...

After the circus we went to Clarke Planetarium for a minute to hit the restrooms and change a diaper.  We decided to let the kids look around and play on the moon and mars displays.  The kids loved them, but especially Easton.  He has no fear.  He climbed all over the rocks and when he would bump his head, everyone around would gasp and he would stand up brush it off and keep going. 
Then it was out to see the fountain.  Easton will explore ANYTHING that has water.  He thought it was great!  Madi didn't want any part of it and clung tight to Derrick.  Easton loved it and had a huge smile on almost the whole time!  I can't get enough of that sweet smile.  It is too cute! 
He is getting so grown up.  He is going into the toddler phase and leaving the baby one behind.  *tear* 
I LOVE this one!!! 
I said he smiled almost the whole time because he did get sprayed in the face a few times.  Like with everything else, he would frown, brush it off and keep going.  I love this kid!!!

A day at the circus...

One of the best perks about Derrick's job are the tickets to some fun events that we wouldn't otherwise get to go to.  On the 22nd we went to the circus.  Madi was thrilled to go again and this year we brought Easton.  One of my favorite parts of any event is when they bring out our flag and sing our anthem.  Madi has been learning it and I could hear her singing along.  What a sweet moment for a proud mama! 
This year was about the spirit of the dragon.  They had to display courage, bravery, and two other things I can't remember to call the dragon out.    
The cats and the elephants are my favorite parts of the circus!  They are such amazing animals.  This year they had lions too.  I don't remember them having lions last year.  The females were pretty feisty! 
The female lions kept going after the tamer.  After a couple times the tamer said that it was all part of the show, but I'm not so sure.  Can you see him cornered?  Does that look planned? 
Kisses with the star lion... 
These ladies were crazy!  They are hanging from their hair.  OUCH!!! 
The hair danglers again.  There are some CRAZY people in the circus.  It is amazing to watch! 
I love the elephants.  They looks so fun!  They seem to smile.  It makes me sad when I hear about the abuse they go through and breaking their spirits.  
It is amazing the things animals can be trained to do.   We had a great time!  My favorite part was when Easton reached behind us and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the people behind us.  It was so funny.  He just didn't understand why it wasn't for him too.  That's when we got a bucket of our own.  Madi was a little distraught about there not being zebras this year.  She really wanted to see them.  Maybe next year...

Congrats Rochelle & Justin...

We had a great opportunity on September 20th, for Easton to see his biological great grandpa Charles.  Easton's great aunt, Lani, is how we met Mindy.  Her daughter, Rochelle, got married and we got a picture of them at her reception.  Their reception was beautiful & Rochelle was stunning!
Rochelle was Madi's nursery leader.  Madi LOVES her and was excited to go to her "wedding".  Rochelle was so sweet and broke a rose off her bouquet and gave it to Madi and told her that she had been saving it just for her.  It was so sweet! 
Easton's hug picture was blurry so here is the end of the hug.  Still cute.  Rochelle and Justin are so cute together.  Thanks for letting us share your moments! 

Goodbye to summer...

Although the weather has just gotten cooler this week, there has been a breeze that is too cold if you are wet.  Knowing that was coming, we played in the water first the last time a couple weeks ago.  We filled water balloons and bounced on the trampoline with them.  We played in the hose and sprayed each other and had a great time.  My kids both love water!  Madi still asks to jump with the sprinklers on.  It is one of the things they will really miss about the fall/winter/spring seasons. 
Madi and Easton would play peek-a-boo behind the post of our deck.  They were so cute and were cracking each other up.  It was pretty funny! 
Goodbye summer, hello fall!

Another trip to the zoo...

These are a little old.  On Sept. 14th, I went with two of my friends, Rebecca and Chantel, and their kids to the zoo.  I love going with friends.  The kids enjoy being together and I enjoy adult conversation (though oddly enough it is usually about kids :D).  I had to try out my new macro lens and get some close ups.  This is Nash...
My E Baby... 
This is Ella.  She is one of Madi's new friends.  She is such a sweet little girl and minds so well.  I watch her a few times each week and Madi LOVES having her over. 
This my friends is Madi's future hubby, Guire!  If you ask him, he agrees.  :D 
Madi trying to find the otters.  I am told that there are three, but we have not seen them any of the times we have been.
Look at these cute kids... 
We tried to get a picture of all of them looking. Six kids three and under, what were we thinking?   Back row l to r: Guire, Madi, Ella  Front row l to r: Kaitlyn, Easton, Nash 
Easton's favorite part was playing in the water.  He loved the ball at the entrance.